Thursday, April 26, 2012


This semester class was great.  It was great because it was actually enjoyable to go to.  I liked doing most of the blog it was a change from doing other work.  I am satisfied with my work I did in the is class.  What I can of done better would of been write more notes.  I do plan to retain all of this wonderful information I have learned.  Yes I plan to be genius and famous and you already know...........Imma Boss

-Paul Guarino

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Reflection on: RS The Interview Project

This blog is a my reflection on the interview project. I had interviewed myself, my mother (52), and grandfather (73). 

I thought this interview project was going to be boring and dumb.  But the interviewing my mother and grandfather was fun and interesting.  I learned a lot  my mother and grandfather's past and how it was much different then than now.  Gas and a lot of items were much cheaper back in the day.  They also talked about how the Wars changed their lives.  Even how they shopped and communicated was different.  A lot of things change because of science and new technologies.

I was not that surprised about this information at all.  I knew about the past for the most part. Being in school for this long you learn about history.  I mean everyone grows and everything changes.  That's just how life is.

I did enjoy doing this assignment.  It was funny talking to my grandfather about this stuff and asking him question and hearing his answers. It was a good assignment because it was different and it was change from always watching videos and writing blog on that. Change is good.

Friday, April 13, 2012

RS The Interview Project

This blog post shows the answers based off of an interview done by myself on a myself which I am 20, a 52 year old, and a 73 year old.  Myself and the 73 year old are males, the 52 was a female.

The government should regulate the economy?

20 year old: agree

52 year old: disagree

73 year old: agree

Politics have a major influence in the economy?

20: disagree

52: agree

73: disagree

Everyone should take an economics class in high school?

20: disagree

52: disagree

73: disagree

Banks should be government owned?

20: agree

52: agree

73: disagree

The government bailouts worked?

20: disagree

52: agree

73: neutral

Local government should have more control?

20: disagree

52: agree

73: disagree

We should Invade Iran?

20: disagree

52: disagree

73: agree

In 6 months the economy will be better than today?

20: agree

52: agree

73: disagree

I am well informed about economic news?

20: disagree

52: agree

73: disagree

The recession personally affected me?

20: disagree

52: agree

73: agree

In your lifetime, what city that you are familiar with has changed the most (both positive and negative)?

20: West Haven, CT (both)

52: New York City, NY (positively)

73:  Fort Lauderdale, FL (positively)

In your opinion, what president had the biggest positive impact on the economy? Why?

20: Clinton/ peaceful economy

52: Regan/ reformed the tax code

73: Carter/ Nobel Piece Prize

What is your first memory of a major economic event impacting your life?

20: 9/11

52: Vietnam War

73: WWII

How do you get economic news? How has this changed over your life?

20: Local News/ newspaper

52: CNN/ newspaper

73: ABC/ newspaper

What is your definition of economics (when you hear the word economy or economics what do you think about)?

20: The study of choices

52: Money fluctuating

73: About the value of your Money

How do you deal will rising prices e.g. substitute cheaper brand, stop buying? Any examples?

20: Shop Online/Ex. Amazon & Ebay

52: Buy US made products /Ex. U.S. made clothes

73: Stop buying groceries/Ex. Go out to eat every night

What product or service has most changed over your lifetime?

20: Internet/Video Games

52: Laundromat

73: Phones

How do you handle saving and how has this changed?

20: I used to always save it in my room/now I save it in the bank

52: I used to have one bank account/now I save in different ones

73: Keep it in my house/now his daughter handles his money in the bank

What product or service has had the biggest price change in your life?

20: Gas

52: Cell phones

73: Gas

What age were you when you got your first credit card?

20: 18 years old

52: 23 years old

73: N/A

How much does the stock market affect your life?

20: N/A

52: The stock market helped her and didnt help her

73: N/A

What was your wage at your first job?

20: $7.65/ hour

52: $6.25/ hour

73: N/A