Friday, March 2, 2012

RS 10 Spring Break: A Time to Reflect

1. What is your strongest memory from this class so far?
My strongest memory from class so far is when you always talk and show my blog. MVB (Most Valuable Blog/Boss).

2. What is your strongest memory about an economic concept?
My strongest memory about an economic concept is when you talked about it would be better for you to run in a race and A-Rod to enter home run contest.  From this semesters probably the GDP.

3. What was your favorite topic to write a blog post about? Why?
My favorite topic to write a blog on was RS 7 because it was interesting about killing creativity.

4. What blog post do you think you did your best work on? What was good about it?
I think the blog I wrote the best was RS 8.  It was good because it was funny and truthful.

5. What about the Engel Indoctrination Program (this class) has made you a better person? Or are you worse? If so, why? As always, creativity counts.
Well I learn how to write a blog and make it look cool.  I couldn't say I'm a better or worse person because of this class, but I would say I'm smarter and more informed on real life issues.

Spring Break^^^^^^^^^^^^

Spring Break What I am really going to do ^^^^^^^


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